A CCM 604 trail arrived the other day in need of more power! It had been sat for a few years and needs a good service and check over..
The exhaust silencer is very restrictive and the gearing needs altering to better suit green laneing and more serious off road work.
It will also get a new pair of serious off road Michelin rubber ‘boots’ which are also road legal and a new MOT……
Here’s the progress so far…
New proper grippy Michelin AC10 fitted as well as a new tube and tyre clamp. Front brake caliper serviced and fluid changed, throttle and choke cable lubricated, clutch cable replaced as fraying, head stock bearing adjusted. I’ll work my way towards the back tomorrow…
Tappets adjusted, air filter cleaned, new rear tyre fitted, rear brake serviced, tail light repaired and MOT’d.. Passed with no advisories!!
Just waiting for the full flow silencer to arrive…..